


Do donkeys laugh? Interesting question, isn’t it? The hee-haw sound or “bray” that resembles a laugh is how donkeys react to most of the things happening around them. Interestingly, the facial expression of donkeys while hee-hawing or braying also resembles a laugh, making us believe that they are laughing. In reality, donkeys do not laugh, but their expressions and the sound resemble what humans consider a “laugh”. Why do donkeys laugh (if we decide to…

Picture yourself strolling through your field enjoying the light summer breeze and sunshine. But as you continue walking and get closer to the pasture, you notice more and more flies start buzzing around your head. When you get to your donkeys, you see that the flies are swarming all around them. Where did they come from, and how can you get rid of those flies on your donkey? Donkeys have a couple of natural ways…

Miniature donkeys are friendly and easily manageable equines, who make great pets. And getting a miniature donkey could cost you anywhere from $500 to $2000, depending on its age, gender, and many other factors. This does not include the cost of maintaining them, but they sure are cheaper than horses to keep. Their smaller stature also suggests that it will cost less to feed them as well. So, if you are planning to get a…

If you own a farm or livestock, you might have had this question in your mind. Will donkeys kill coyotes? Can they protect farm animals from coyotes and other predators? The short answer is yes. Donkeys do kill coyotes, and the donkeys vs coyotes fight isn’t new. In fact, they are used on many farms to protect other livestock. If you have a farm where you have cows, goats, or other farm animals, a guard…

Did you ever come across an animal that you couldn’t quite figure out whether it was a donkey, a mule, or a burro? If yes, continue reading to find out what sets them apart from each other. Given the amount of resemblance, these three animals have been pooled into one category when it comes to identifying them. A significant similarity that donkeys share with mules and burros is that all three of these belong to…

It is generally recommended to provide shelter for donkeys at night, especially in colder or wetter climates. Donkeys can be susceptible to hypothermia and other health issues if left exposed to harsh weather conditions. Providing a stable or shelter with proper ventilation, bedding, and access to food and water can help keep them healthy and comfortable. Additionally, stabling at night can help protect them from predators and other potential dangers. However, it is important to…

People around the world consider various animals as pets. But what about donkeys? Do donkeys make good pets? If yes, what are the reasons that make them good pets? The perception about donkeys is that they are mostly used as draft animals or as guard animals on a farm to protect the livestock. But the truth is, Donkeys can be extraordinarily sweet, gentle, and fun, making great pets for you and your family. If you…

Curious people often want to know how much a donkey can carry. The short answer is a lot. The long answer is that how much donkeys can carry while still avoiding overburdening depends. Donkeys are, and always have been, a crucial part of life and work for many people. According to data from 2020, there are approximately 44 million working donkeys around the world. There are undoubtedly many uses for donkeys, including their ability to…

Donkeys need ample space to graze. The number of donkeys you can have per acre land depends majorly on their size. Usually, a medium-sized donkey needs about 0.5 acres of land. That means you can have 2 medium-sized donkeys per acre. We should also keep in mind that donkeys like to be in groups or in pairs. So there should be adequate land with easy access to water, fresh grass, and hay. Allocate more land…

Lately, donkeys have been all the rage on social media for their vocal, loving, and outgoing natures. If you’ve been thinking about getting a donkey, you may be wondering how much their needs actually cost, and more so, how much does it cost to maintain a donkey. Just like any other animal, donkeys need food, shelter, and medical attention. Additionally, donkeys need ample room to move around freely outside. So, how much does it cost…

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