Investing in goats, for commercial purposes or for household needs, is a business that you can take up with no extensive experience or investments at stake. Goats, which are easy to manage and fun to have around, will also help you get milk and milk products that are highly nutritious and have great demand in the market. But if you are looking for goats for this specific purpose, you must be aware of goats that are best for milk. There are different breeds, like Alpine goats, Saanen goats, Nubian goats, and many more, that best suit the role of dairy goats. Read on to find out more about what goats are best for milk.

Alpine Goats

Alpine goats get their name from the place of their origin, the French Alps. These goats are easy to manage and maintain and are known for their reliability in milk production since they produce milk all year round. They produce around 2 to 3 gallons of milk every day and about 2700 pounds per year, with a butterfat percentage of 3.5. Alpine goats adapt to their surroundings quickly and have a friendly nature. These are the only goats that spot upright ears and come in a variety of colors, making them stand distinct from the many. Their adaptability to climate changes and different geographical regions makes them one of the best choices when looking for dairy breeds.

Saanen Goats

Saanen goats, which also get their name from their region of origin, come from the Saanen Valley in Switzerland. These goats, clad all in white, are the largest among the dairy goat breeds, weighing up to 145 pounds when fully grown. Their consistent milk generation added to the high-quality milk they produce, has made them rise to the top picks that farm owners and dairy choose while looking for a good dairy breed. They have straight ears bending forward at the tip, and a friendly nature, making them one of the best breeds of goats to have around. They also produce 2-3 gallons of milk per day, producing an average of about 2500 pounds of milk annually. The butterfat content is 3%. Since these breeds are known for their size, they require more space to roam freely and relax.

saanen goat milk

Nubian Goats

Nubian or Anglo-Nubian goats are droopy-eared goats that are more comfortable in hot conditions. Originating from Britain, this breed is popular for the rich and sweet milk they produce and the high butterfat percentage. Though milk production per day comes to around an average of 1 gallon, Nubian goats’ milk is the most sought-after milk for cheese and ice cream makers. The presence of protein alpha s1-casein is dominant in the milk of these goats and is higher in percentage compared to that seen in other goats in the European mainland. This protein helps in better coagulation and production of milk solids, giving out the best flavors possible. Nubian goat’s milk can be used for producing some of the best goat’s cheese. These goats have a friendly nature but can be loud at times, which would make it difficult for you to keep them too close to the neighbors.

LaMancha Goats

LaMancha goats or Lamancha goats are cute elf-eared goats that are easy to manage, milk, and are friendly to people around them. Their ability to adjust to different geographical regions and temperatures makes them a popular choice among goat owners and farmers. They are a reliable breed of goats in terms of milk production since they supply about 1 to 2 gallons of milk per day, with a high butterfat percentage of 4. Lamancha goats are medium in size, weighing up to 125 pounds when fully developed, and are among the gentlest breeds of goats. Their calm and composed nature also make them good pets and companions.

Toggenburg Goats

Hailing from the Toggenburg region in Switzerland, the Toggenburg goat is among the most popular breeds of dairy goats in the United States. Coming down from the mountains, these goats do well in cold climates and grow up to medium-sized goats, weighing around 120 lbs. These goats are said to be the oldest dairy breeds and not much recommended to new owners, since some owners find them high maintenance. Considering milk production and temperament, Toggenburg goats produce around 2200 pounds of milk annually which is a good yield, and have a calm and curious nature. About 2 gallons of milk could be expected from this breed of dairy goat with a butterfat percentage of 3.8.

Oberhasli Goats

Oberhasli goats adapt to hot and cold temperatures alike and thrive in dry, mountainous areas. They are beautiful to the sight, adorning a deep red to copper-colored coat, and are gentle and cheerful goats. They are great around people, making them the best to keep as pets. Oberhasli goats produce about 1 gallon of milk per day, with a butterfat level of 3.8%. Annually, these goats can produce up to 1700 pounds of milk. Since these goats come from dry lands, humidity is not well accepted by them, and they are prone to diseases in such situations.

oberhasli goat for milk

Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Nigerian dwarf goats come under the miniature goat’s category, raised mainly for small-scale production of dairy products and as pets. These goats who weigh up to 50 pounds only, can produce a decent amount of milk with high butterfat content. Nigerian dwarf goats give about half a gallon of milk per day for ten months, and the fat percentage lies between 6% to 10%, making their milk suitable for making dairy products like cream and cheese. The milk they produce is also found to be sweet and rich in flavor, which also raises its demand. Even though the yield is less compared to other dairy breeds, the smaller size indicates that you can have more of them at the same time. These goats are gentle and calm, and great around children, making them the best companion animals and pets.

Things to Look Out for Before Choosing the Best Goat for Milk

Before picking the right breed for you, it is important to set clearly your needs and requirements. According to your needs, choose the right breed taking into consideration the yield you are expecting and whether you could manage that specific dairy goat. Gallons of milk produced per day and the fat percentage are two factors that you could count on to reach a decision, though it should be noted that the gallons per day could fluctuate at times from the statistics too.

As much demand for goat milk and goat milk products is in the market, the earthy and distinct flavor might not be enjoyed by everyone. And many of the experts in the field of goats and dairy farms claim that a lot of the taste and flavor of milk depends on the diet and feed you provide them with. So enhanced flavors can be achieved if the goats are fed with a variety of feed options.


Goats and goat milk have always been a delight and delicacy. These smart mammals that are easy to manage and be around, make one of the best pets, who can also be used for getting milk and products. Listed above are some of the best goats for milk, which you can also easily maintain. So, waste no more time and pick your goat to get started.


  • Sameera R

    Sameera is particularly fond of farm animals and loves to write about them. Horses are her favorites and she wishes to own one someday.

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