Have you ever seen a donkey rolling in dry dirt? It looks like they are taking a bath in the dust. But why do donkeys roll in dust? Besides rolling for fun, donkeys have some excellent reasons for rolling in dust. And their reasons change throughout the seasons and even with temperature fluctuations throughout the day. Depending on the weather, donkeys roll in dust or dirt to fluff out their winter coat, help with shedding,…
Donkeys are not inherently aggressive animals by any means. But like any animal, donkeys can and sometimes do show aggression. Usually, this isn’t aimed at humans, but instead, donkeys will most likely show aggression to predators who mean them harm. But how do donkeys really show aggression? And how can you keep yourself safe from an aggressive donkey? Let’s find out. Donkeys and aggression: How do donkeys show aggression? Donkeys can show aggression in several…
Donkeys are herbivorous animals and they are used to eating grass, herbs, and other plants in the wild. Whereas domesticated donkeys mostly eat hay, straw, grass, and other feed like pellets. When it comes to feeding, one should ensure the donkeys are getting an adequate supply of fiber. And the best fodder, in that case, includes straw and hay that provides ample amounts of fiber but with low sugar. Fruits and vegetables could also be…
Donkeys can be very vocal animals with a lot to say. Their sounds are quite unique and recognizable once you hear them. A donkey’s hee haw or braying noise that we so often hear is one of their best forms of communication, both with each other and with us humans. A donkey hee haw A donkey’s bray: Why do donkeys hee haw? Donkeys hee haw or bray for various reasons depending on the situation the…
A common misconception about donkeys is that they are stubborn or ‘dumb’, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. People have believed it to be true for ages, but anyone with experience with donkeys will vouch for their smartness. Donkeys are smart creatures who can do a lot more than most people would imagine. Let’s find out more about a donkey’s smartness in this article. The truth: are donkeys really smart? Well, the truth…
Owning an animal has its positives and negatives. The same goes when you choose a donkey to own. Their efficiency as guard animals and as excellent farm animals make them the perfect choice, especially if you are a farm owner. But there are more things to consider before taking the big step. Having an idea of the pros and cons involved will guide you to the best decision. So, let’s see some advantages and disadvantages…
Remember the perpetually sad donkey named Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh? Anyone who has had donkeys on their farms will understand where Eeyore’s loneliness came from, which to be precise is a compulsive need for companionship. At first glance, donkeys appear to be highly stoic indifferent creatures, but they do like company. Donkeys like to mingle with themselves, other farm animals, and humans, and they do show affection in ways that are familiar to us…
Donkeys, like other equids such as horses, are herbivorous animals, which means that their diet is based exclusively on plant-based foods such as grass. This is where they get all the protein and fiber they need for their sustenance, keeping them strong and healthy. But, how do you know how much a donkey eats? And what are its eating habits? In this article, we will explain more about donkey feeding. How much does a donkey…
The simplest and straightforward answer to this question is, yes. Donkeys do eat thistles. The beautiful plant with a flower on top like a crown is considered invasive by many people. But if you notice your donkey around thistles, you will be surprised to see how they munch on these pretty weeds. The way they carefully pluck out the parts they want to consume makes it clear to us how much they love the plant.…
When it comes to caring for and understanding donkey behavior, there’s often a misunderstanding that they are similar to horses as they come from the same genus. Due to this understanding, donkeys are seen as stubborn, but this cannot be farther from the truth. Donkeys are also seen as stoic animals who are sometimes hard to read but truth is that they are social animals and can really open up when taken care of with…